Tuesday, September 14, 2010

There's NO way that 40 is the new 30, is there?

So in a few short weeks I'll be (*gasp*) 40. Forty. The Big Four-O. Two score. Four decades. Old.

Alright, alright...some of you *might* be scratching your head saying "come on, you, forty? no way" - but yes, me, forty, way

Twenty was a blur. Thirty was FANTASTIC. But I'm a wee bit wary of 40...for no other reason but it seems like a big milestone. Instead of partying, I'm going out for a nice dinner with some friends and family. Instead of waking up with a hangover, I'm likely to wake up and do laundry. Is forty too responsible? Am I still young at heart? Is there anything "young" about me?

For those of you who read this blog and know me...yes, I'm a goofball and I AM indeed forever young in mind and spirit.

In other, non-age related happenings, we went to the NJ Sheep and Wool festival on Sunday. It was tons of fun (as you can see below)...and I was even able to meet Kirsten Kapur and her lovely daughters.

As far as knitting goes, I just finished a couple of samples for Kaleidoscope and have one more sweater to do this week. After that I have a couple of other test/sample projects lined up...and somewhere in between all that I have a wedding cake to make for Alyssa and a Rhinebeck sweater to start/finish! Whew...where does the time go.

Oh, right, and I'm FINALLY taking Shannon Okey's Tech Editing class - which I'm jumping out of my skin THRILLED about. Hooray for higher learning and knitting!

Me and Him

Unicorn Girl

Momma and Baby Sheep

I see ewe

1 comment:

LillyZoo said...

Happy Birthday lovely!. I hope to be as young as you when I am the 4 0