Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pouncing...and a Contest!

Everyone knows the first step for addicts is admitting to themselves that they have a "problem".

The second step is to stand up, state your name and what your addiction is.

Here goes nothing...

Hi, my name is Karen and I'm addicted to Pouncing!

Pouncing, my friends, is an option on Etsy.com whereby you skip through recently purchased stores and see what's selling. It makes the searching somewhat easier for me...and it's SO much fun!!!

And seeing as it's so much fun...and I'm in a fun mood...I'm going to have a contest to celebrate my upcoming 100th blog post (it's getting closer every day).

Here's how to enter...

Simply send an email to choochooknits at hotmail dot com - or post your message in the comments section of this post. Include your name and email address (so I know how to contact you) as well as one "secret" thing you're addicted to (blogging, pouncing, plurking, buying yarn, etc). I will assign a number to each entry and randomly select a winner for my 100th post! NOTE: If you refer a friend (or put a link to this contest on your blog/website) be sure to let me know...I'll give you an extra 1pt/chance for the 1st, 2pts/chance for the second and so on (i.e. if you enter, blog and refer 3 friends thats 1+1+2+3+4 = 11 chances; crazy system, but i'm sticking to it!).

What you'll win...yarn and knitting goodies (I haven't quite worked out all the details but I promise it will be super duper!!!). However, I know some of you are non-knitters (please tell me why?) so I will have a back-up plan for you - and it will also be super duper!

The 100th post will be here before you know it...so sign up today - and tell your friends!

Now...back to pouncing...


A Homely Heroine said...

Seems like an excellent time to stop lurking! I love Etsy too, I found the most gorgeous blue buttons there once.

My secret thing I'm addicted to is making endless lists on nice notepaper of all the things I intend to knit. Oh so few of them ever get made, but I'm constantly reminding myself I want to knit them. I have yellow tags in all my knitting books for quick reference, what a nerd!

I would really really love some yarn to actually make some of these things, I've been living off my stash for months (sound of violins playing in background).

I'm going to do a mini-post on my blog alerting others of the competition - you know that diminishs my chances as well as increasing them : )

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

I too love Etsy.
My secret thing I'm addicted to is queing projects on Ravelry. I'm sure I've qued over 200 items. Some may think this is normal, it just doesn't feel like it.
I could use yarn from someone else's stash simply because I'm tired of looking at mine !!!
Thanks !!!

amy said...

I have been referred by the Homely Heroine. I am addicted to LOLcats. Check them out at icanhascheezburger.com. I am also addicted to koigu but i feel that that is self explanatory. I am also recently obsessed with the work of Edward Gorey.

juicyknits said...

Hi! I've also been referred by the homely heroine. I'm addicted to Ravelry, and especially to the "Friends activity" page. ;-)
My other addiction is coffee, but I'm still in denial on that one.

Alyssa said...

Hey, no referral here but I will link to you!

What am I addicted to??? Um...YARN but that's obvious. What I'm really addicted to is checking my etsy shop. I check it like 20 times a day to see how many people have favorited it or have looked at a particular yarn. It's pretty bad.

Linda said...

Related to Etsy I can't stop looking up my shop on Majaba ... it drives me crazy but I just can't helo it! Oh, and peanut M&Ms!
(I was told to come here from Alyssas blog :) )

carol said...

My new addiction is Ravelry. Although I have been a member for a while it is only just recently that I have really gotten in to it. Its fantastic - patterns, yarns, chat .... wow I am seriously addicted. It is amazing although such a time waster in the best possible way!

evergreenknits said...

Hmmm, I'd say I have a secret addition to gossip blogs. I don't even know half the celebrities they talk about, but somehow I love the trashiness of it!

p.s. I posted about the contest on WiKnit, my knitting contest blog.

Angela said...

my secret addiction? besides yarn... and eating spoonfuls of raspberry jam? lately, it would have to be buying tea cups from my local thrift store. they have the most beautiful old old old tea cups, often with ecclectic mis-matched saucers. they look like they need a home - someone to love them and enjoy a cup of tea in them. i can't help myself. i think i have 16 so far, and my daughters and i have been trying to rotate thru them all with our afternoon tea. i'm seriously running out of cupboard space, but at $1-$2.50/set, i help myself!!

Elaine said...


I'm Elaine and I'm an addict. I knit all the time - like all the time. I think it drives my husband mad, but he seldom complains. I have been knitting since I was 5 years old or so, but as I age it's really gotten out of control.

I'm posting your contest on my blog (which I am not at all addicted to) so give me the extra points. Hopefully my few loyal followers will show up for extra points.

Turtle said...

my secret addiction aside from yarn, is warm fresh bread and real butter! i could so sit and eat a loaf for a meal and be more than happy! (of course it would sit right on my butt too!)

Bianca said...

My addiction is yarn. As long as I don't have to buy it myself LOL! In a way I got lucky... people are buying yarn and ask me to knit for them, which I do with a lot of pleasure. So my second addiction is knitting for others.:-)

Still... with a little luck I might be able to visit a yarn store in Drachten on Thursday... :-)

Debbie said...

Hi - My secret addiction is printing patterns from the web - I have way too many patterns in 3 ring binders with sheet protectors than a sane person would ever need. Thanks for the contest. Debbie

ikkinlala said...

This is a tough question, because even though I'm addicted to quite a few things I don't really think of any of them as secrets. One that probably is: lately, I'm addicted to hot cocoa. This is only a secret because it has to be homemade, so people don't usually see me drinking it.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Elaine said...

By the way, what part of NJ are you from. I live in Middlesex county and work in Morris county. If I win, I could just save you the postage :-)

Unknown said...

I have become addicted to:

1. drinking coffee with peppermint mocha coffeemate (I used to hate coffee!)
2. reading others' blogs
3. knitting socks...I just cant' stop! There are at least 2 pairs on needles at any given time
4. procrastinating...I have always been a procrastinator, but since I've started my internship this semester, I have been procrastinating at a higher level than ever. I only wish there was a Master's degree in procrastination!

wenat said...

I am addicted to the yarn swap groups on ravelry -- the completely pointless and arbitrary swap and the karma yarn swap groups. The people are so nice, and the yarn p*rn is amazing!

teabird said...

I've become addicted to stitch markers - which means I troll Etsy a lot!
And I do love Ravelry, where I am teabird -

kathy b said...

Hi Im Kathy b and my secret addiction is : Napping!

FUn contest

Karen said...

I'm Karen and I am completly addicted to beautiful beads.

My grandmother taught me how to knit and I have all of her knitting tools, but I haven't knit in ages. I appreciate the work and care of a finely knitted garment, that's for sure.

Me, Myself, and I said...

I haven't tried pouncing on Etsy.com... I'll have to look into that!

My big secret addiction is that a lot of my knitting is done while watching crime shows (CSI: Las Vegas, Criminal Minds, NCIS). Those three are ok, but if none of the "good ones" are on, I'll watch ANY crime show (CSI: Miami, even)!

Kristen said...

I came from WiKnit.
I have a few "secret addictions" but surfing Ravelry is a big one. I don't put things in my queue, but I've favorited a ton of things. More than I could knit in 20 years, I think.

Sharon Rose said...

I'm addicted to reading blogs... and checking Ravelry to see if anyone's posted in my favorite forums in the past 10 minutes. :)
Sharon aka
Needlegrrl on Ravelry

squiggi said...

I have a few secret addictions and a few not-so-secret ones.
Yarn is one of the not-so-secret.
My true secret addiction is watching "judge judy"

moria said...

Ooh, just one addiction? Well, most of mine aren't secrets (yarn, Etsy, Lush bath melts, secondhand sci-fi paperbacks with that wonderful old-paper smell, blank notebooks, the giddy excitement of getting packages in the mail), but I suppose the main addiction I tend to keep under my hat is Doris Day movies. Rather embarrassing, but I can't help it. o.O

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I have to print off knitting patterns when I like one and I have them stashed everywhere around the house and in my yarn tubes because I run out of clear sheets and binders to put them in and my hubby knits and has the same addiction so you can imagine the stacks of patterns we have::)Hugs Darcy darcyknittingdiva@gmail.com

cthulhulovesme said...

My not-so-secret addiction is yarn and fiber. My slightly-more-secret addiction is Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfumes. I rarely even use perfume, but I still have over $100 of samples sitting on my desk right now. Oy.

-cthulhulovesme on Ravelry.

SylvChezPlum said...

These days I'm totally addicted to searching for Vintage Granny Square patterns, mostly on Ebay. Or really funky patterns from the 70s. I'll spend hours doing it, forgetting to prepare dinner, .. Until my little 2 yo daughter comes and takes me by the hand, saying "come, mummy, come !!" (as in, get off that darn computer !!) :-P

Sylvchezplum (sylvieATchezplumDOTcom)

Anonymous said...

I'm addicted to TWO things (does this mean I get two entries???). ;)

Addiction #1: Making lists. I have an endless amount of lists: to-do lists, what-to-knit lists, gift-lists (you name the holiday, there's a list!), what-to-do-when-bored lists... Ooops. I guess this is technically a list!

Addiction #2: Buying yarn. Especially sock yarn. And my parents don't get it!

Sarah said...

I'm addicted to drooling over fiber online, especially Etsy. Thankfully I don't always buy, but I usually want most of what I see! Sometimes when I'm having a particularly crappy day at work, I take a few minutes during my lunch break to surf for fiber.

Rossellastra said...

Hi, I'm addicted to something that is not related to knitting...I'm seccretly addicted to sleeping with socks! I can't sleep if I don't wear them ^__________^

Have a nice day,
p.s. I'll send you an e-mail with my email address :-)

Blue said...

My secret addiction is: a secret! OK, no, seriously, I am addicted to cheesy pop music, girl bands, manufactured boy bands....

When it comes to knitting and crocheting my addiction is tools!!.... I have several hooks in every size I have ever seen sold and I am working my way into the same with knitting needles, flats, DPNs and circs!

Wendy said...

My knitting addition is starting new things. Finishing? Not so much.

Non knitting addiction? Watching America's Next Top Model!

Anonymous said...

*stands up and nods to crowd* Hi, I'm Meanbean and I'm addicted to fondling and huffing yarn fumes. And reading about others who do the same.

*sob* I'm so ashamed!

kristinleamy [at!] hotmail [dot] com

Nicola said...

My addiction is no secret to family or friends - knitting - duh! If I had to choose one yarn I was addicted to, it would be James C Brett Marble. My name is Nicola, I blog at http://nicolaknits.blogspot.com and my email address is nicolaknits@gmail.com.
Have a great day!

MoniqueB. said...

Do I still stand a chance if I only email and react on your beautiful blog? That leaves me with only 1 point. Will the winner be the one with the most points scored?
And as for the addiction: Lace Knitting.

Time to go; my local Stitch 'n' Bitchgroup is calling!

Julie said...

I am addicted to hobbies that keep my hands busy. Weaving, scrapbooking and knitting are my chosen few at present. And with that goes the obsession with all the stuff used to further those hobbies! jsample on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

My secret addiction....window (actually more like monitor) shopping. I love looking at new yarns and fabrics online and dreaming up projects for them! There's just never enough time in the day - but there probably would be if I stopped looking and starting doing every once in a while!

oonagh said...


my addictions cycle......does that count??

currently, it's surfing ravelry forums while knitting......

and it's always reading and research.

and maybe really good chocolate.

BTW, i'm oonaghfibersmyth over on ravelry......

Taylin said...

I'm addicted to knitting (who isn't?). :)


knottygal said...

I am addicted to starting new projects even if I have zillion of them OTN.. ;-)

hope I win the goodies!

Tammy said...

My name is Tammy and I'm addicted to searching for that "perfect" pattern. I have so many perfect patterns that even if I craft non-stop for the rest of my life I'll never finish them!

Tally Knits said...

Like A Homely Heroine, I'm secretly addicted to making lists. I list things to spin, knit, crochet, buy, eat, names I like, what pets I want to have when DF and I get married, on and on and on. I'm a compulsive writer and am quite embarrassed by the 40 or so notebooks full of lists. I hide them so no one finds out! It's really bad... I make lists in class rather than take notes.

rita said...

I thought I left a commnet--did I lose it???

rita said...

Guess so. My addiction is reading blogs. I'll drift from one to another till I'm so lost that i can't find my way back. I've met some great people that way.

Knitting is also an addiction, along with reading. If I could only mix the two.....

I came her by way of elaine's blog; I think I got to hers by way of georgi's.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Patricia aka No butterfly. I'm addicted to yarn, I love to feel it, touch it and smell it. I have it in all kind of colours, mostly colours I like but would never wear them myself and I don't have enough time to knit all the projects I have in my mind. My secund most obsession must be gentblogt, the blog of our city run by volonteers

Jeannine said...

hi, I'm Jeannine, aka NeenerKnits. I'm addicted to pumpkin scones. The kind at Starbucks, only you can get them at QFC in packs of six for cheaper made by the same bakery here, and they are yummy year round...bad, bad!! Second obsession is Blue Star coffee from Winthrop, WA or lattes...no secret, the other obsessions:yarn and Ravelry...like the rest of you all. There's no turning back!

Jenny Girl said...

Hi I'm Jenny. I was referred from Rita at Keeping knits simple.

I'm addicted to lots of things but
I just recently became addicted to Facebook. Sad, I know, because everybody has been on there for a while. But I resisted the urge for the longest time, and now I have to talk myself out of going on there. It's my new shiny toy.

I'm also addicted to knitting, reading, and some TV shows. Thanks for the contest!

desiree66 said...

My secret addiction is buying / collecting yarns etc.
But i don't think i will harm anybody with my addiction :)
I am very ashamed but i have also another addiction....reading blogs from other knitting people ( also harmless i think)
grtz Desiree

Dora said...

Let's see secret addiction:

1. spending money on things I know I don't need.

2. Yarn, I can't get away from it.

3. Facebook... too many way old high school friends to keep up with.

Dora said...

Oh, I forgot, I'll link you at thecorbys.blogspot.com and I'll refer you to my sister and her blog teaandthee.blogspot.com

hopalong682003 said...

What a cool contest!!! I'm afraid I'm addicted to the DVR. I love setting things up to record...even if I don't think I'll ever have time to watch. Plenty of shows to knit along to. :-)

Betsy - hopalong682003@yahoo.com

desiree66 said...

..........and now I am addicted to look at this blog to see who has entered a message :)))))))

grts from Desiree

Going Knitting said...

I am addicted to Ebay! Where you can find anything which isn't of any interest for one but is for the other.

Chrome Horse Knitter said...

I'm addicted to popcorn. I find that I HAVE to knit at night or I will eat all the popcorn in the house!

katerina said...

I have to say I'm now addicted to the games on my itouch - I turn it on and play during commercials, on breaks at work - it's simple and fun! I can't stop :)

Melissa Brott Photography said...

I'm addicted to...the Ravelry Friend's Activity page.... and... checking my e-mail 8,000 times a day.
I also have a little bit of a yarn collection (read: addiction) starting as well... all these guilty secrets! Ah! :)

Meghan said...

I'm addicted to blog reading through google reader. It's like getting many many emails all day. megp47 at yahoo dot com

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

My secret addiction is "truly free stuff". I will jump through a dozen hoops to get a free sample, but won't even pay the cost of a SASE. My desk and office chair were found on the curb. I've stood in line for 1/2 hour for a $5 gift card.

Unknown said...

I am addicted to trains :)
I work at the railways and always when i am on holidays i HAVE to go to a railwaystation to see and smell trains :)
yahoogroups66 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm addicted to reading knitting blogs.
Hugs Patt