As most know, I'm involved in Sock Wars III (hooray, and boo hoo). Currently, I am waiting (since June 2nd or so) for a pair of socks to come up the line for me to knit - or a pair to come down the line for a kill. Either way, I'm still waiting.
With that said, it's been nice to knit the socks for my dad at a slower pace. I've really only been knitting on the train to/from work and have taken the evenings off to watch t.v., etc. Even with a deadline of Father's Day it's not a true deadline - because I won't actually see my dad on (or before) F'Day so I have at least another week or so until I have to be finished.
So this slow pace on just about every front is rather nice.
How's your knitting going these days?
I love the dark green socks in your photos. amazing! Do you sell them on etsy?
You won!! well, you tied for first actually :) So, what's your fav. color?
I'm glad you enjoyed my contest! I was getting worried that no one was going to figure it out. I'm from Chicago, so it was just common knowledge to me. I was happy to see that someone not in Chicago figured it out too :)
Hey, how's the knitting going? I hope you're back soon!
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