My hubby has been bugging me to purchase a knitting machine for him since i can't remember him not bugging me. His grandmother used to have several of these gigantic things - and when she died - and he was married to his first wife - the family got rid of them (AND her stash of yarn). Well, I'm finally giving in and bidding on one for him on ebay - since I refuse to pay the astronomical amount that the chain craft stores are selling them for. If I get one, he'll love it. If not, oh well. I still think they're "cheating machines" anyway :o)
I agree with the cheating but I'm also intrigued by them. If you get one I'd love to figure out the world of machine knitting with you.
I know this is an old post but I wanted to comment anyway. Knitting Machines don't seem like cheating to me. I don't think anyone would call sewing on a machine cheating even though many people still hand stitch. I'd like to say its part of the evolution of crafting. Nearly all of the garments we purchase nowadays are machine made, however, knitting on a consumer based machine still requires a great deal of hand work and still beats buying off the rack from a store. I have several circular knitting machines and a sock knitting machine and a roomful of sewing machines (all vintage). Every gift I make off any of these machines are loved, cherished and treated as handmade by the recipient. The same love, detail and attention goes into making them whether on knitting pins and needles or by knitting machine :)
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